8,512 research outputs found

    A General E-Commerce Data Model For Strategic Advantage: Mapping Site Structure To Site Visit Behavior

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    This paper includes a general data model that supports e-commerce activity. Numerous data models have been presented which support traditional business activities, but none has yet addressed the specific needs of e-commerce systems. An e-commerce system has unique opportunities to capture information about the entire online experience of each customer. Our general e-commerce data model (GEM) captures information such as the length of time a customer spends on a given web page, pictures that are examined or are “clicked on”, and the characteristics of visits which lead to customer purchases. GEM will be extremely useful to many e-commerce personnel including marketing strategists as they will be able to determine which parts of a web page visit lead to successful and unsuccessful visits. Additionally, GEM is designed to facilitate business intelligence (BI), which concerns the area of electronically monitoring competitors’ web presence. GEM can be used to monitor those accessing a given website and understanding their site behavior. GEM is presented using the CASE dialect of the entity-relationship (E/R) modeling paradigm

    Business Intelligence And Information Systems: Enhancing Student Knowledge In Database Courses

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    Companies are increasingly relying on business intelligence (BI) for decision making. However, integration of BI into university business courses has not kept pace with market needs. The purpose of this paper is to outline an innovative business intelligence teaching module for management information systems (MIS) education. The module was designed to highlight the basic principles of business intelligence as well as provide an applied experience with Microsoft Visual Studio using the Analysis Services and Reporting framework. This teaching module seeks to provide Information Systems students a relevant introduction to BI, providing a springboard to expand BI knowledge and prepare students for success in the business world

    XBRL And Its Potential Impact On Events Reporting

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    Financial accounting and reporting has been criticized for producing untimely, periodic, historical-ly-based, and highly-aggregated financial statements that fall far short of meeting the needs of the financial community. Especially recently, the accounting profession has been roundly criticized for its perceived role in highly publicized audit failures including Enron and WorldCom. Proponents of the events reporting paradigm assert that what is needed is an events reporting sys-tem that reports a wider range of relevant and disaggregated events that are free from the biased value judgments and allocations of management. This paper explores the possible role of Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) in the movement toward such an events reporting approach. The web-based XBRL reporting languages allow for the tagging of web-reported business information to provide meaning and context to the information. XBRL pro-vides a platform-independent vehicle for the efficient exchange of business information. Developing XBRL reporting taxonomies will facilitate multi-company financial comparisons and provide a mechanism for obtaining more detail through drill-down analysis

    Integrating Data Cleansing With Popular Culture: A Novel SQL Character Data Tutorial

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    Big data and data science have experienced unprecedented growth in recent years.  The big data market continues to exhibit strong momentum as countless businesses transform into data-driven companies. From salary surges to incredible growth in the number of positions, data science is one of the hottest areas in the job market. Significant demand and limited supply of professionals with data competencies has greatly affected the hiring market and this demand/supply imbalance will likely continue in the future. A major key in supplying the market with qualified big data professionals, is bridging the gap from traditional Information Systems (IS) learning outcomes to those outcomes requisite in this emerging field. The purpose of this paper is to share an SQL Character Data Tutorial.  Utilizing the 5E Instructional Model, this tutorial helps students (a) become familiar with SQL code, (b) learn when and how to use SQL string functions, (c) understand and apply the concept of data cleansing, (d) gain problem solving skills in the context of typical string manipulations, and (e) gain an understanding of typical needs related to string queries. The tutorial utilizes common, recognizable quotes from popular culture to engage students in the learning process and enhance understanding. This tutorial should prove helpful to educators who seek to provide a rigorous, practical, and relevant big data experience in their courses

    Combining Business Intelligence And Stock Market Data: A Primer For Data Analytics And Business Intelligence

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    Business Intelligence (BI) has become indispensible to modern business decision-making. Organizations rely on BI to interpret the mass amounts of data circulating throughout the world. However, integration of BI into university business programs does not parallel industry demands. The purpose of this paper is to introduce an innovative business intelligence project tutorial for Information Systems (IS) education. The applied tutorial was designed to help students learn how to design and publish a report using SQL Server Reporting Services to analyze current stock market data. This tutorial exposes students to the decision-making power derived from raw data analysis and assists in development of business professionals who can maximize profitability through effective use of business intelligence

    Business Intelligence, Analytics And Data Visualization: A Heat Map Project Tutorial

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    Business intelligence and analytics (BI&A) initiatives are helping countless organizations harness and interpret the vast amount of information available in the world today. The explosion of BI&A in industry has fueled the high demand for knowledge workers with advanced analytical skills. The purpose of this paper is to introduce a data visualization project tutorial for Information Systems (IS) education. The applied BI&A tutorial was designed to help students learn how to create and analyze a heat map using SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) and SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS). Students learn how to make decisions based on large amounts of data by presenting it in visual form. This tutorial exposes students to the decision-making power derived from data visualization. Utilizing the 5E Instructional Model, the tutorial assists in the development of BI&A professionals who can quickly make sense of mass amounts of data, identify trends buried within data sets, and are skilled in making sound decisions that add value to organizations

    Examining Intervening Variables Of The EC Consumer Behavior Model: The Powersellertm And Phenomenon Search Products

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    The EC consumer behavioral model is an effort to describe the electronic commerce environment, which includes electronic auctions. The model identifies intervening variables that are related to vendors such as trustworthiness (merchant characteristic) and product brand and availability (product characteristics).  In this paper, we have attempted to explore PowerSellersTM, a specific intermediary characteristic for electronic auctions.  Specifically, we analyzed PowerSellersTM on products with limited availability and high demand.  Linear regression models were used to analyze the intermediary characteristics and purchase price.   Findings support the possibility that phenomenon search products attenuate the impact of a seller’s rating on auctions prices. This paper serves as a specific investigation to better understand consumer online purchase intensions within the EC consumer behavior model

    Integrating Business Intelligence And Decision Focused Database Methods: A Prescriptive Principles Approach

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    Inasmuch as the field of Management Information Systems has seen significant changes, business school curriculums have not kept pace with the growing demands in the market. This approach closes that gap between the needs of the market and the products, or students, universities are supplying. Using Prescriptive Principles, this module gives students a business question to be answered, has the instructor demonstrate SQL functions and querying techniques, sets the scene for the students to reflect on the application of this business intelligence project, encourages students to use their previous experience to develop a business strategy to utilize the insight gained from their developed SQL functions, and finally sets up a frame work whereby their findings can be presented to their peers, as business “stakeholders,” and demonstrate their new understanding. Such a method will create students capable of understanding code, but more so, it will create students who will understand how that code can help sustain a business’s growth strategy and its bottom-line

    IS Programs Responding to Industry Demands for Data Scientists: A Comparison Between 2011-2016

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    The term data scientist has only been in common use since 2008, but in 2016 it is considered one of the top careers in the United States. The purpose of this paper is to explore the growth of data science content areas such as analytics, business intelligence, and big data in AACSB Information Systems (IS) programs between 2011 and 2016. A secondary purpose is to analyze the effect of IS programs’ adherence to IS 2010 Model Curriculum Guidelines for undergraduate MIS programs, as well as the impact of IS programs offering an advanced database course in 2011 on data science course offerings in 2016. A majority (60%) of AACSB IS programs added data science-related courses between 2011 and 2016. Results indicate dramatic increases in courses offered in big data analytics (583%), visualization (300%), business data analysis (260%), and business intelligence (236%). ANOVA results also find a significant effect of departments offering advanced database courses in 2011 on new analytics course offerings in 2016. A Chi-Square analysis did not find an effect of IS 2010 Model Curriculum adherence on analytics course offerings in 2016. Implications of our findings for an MIS department’s ability to respond to changing needs of the marketplace and its students are discussed
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